Lope Law | Credit Harrasment
Are you being harassed by creditors?
Are the collection agencies calling you relentlessly at home and at work? Have you been sued, or did they threaten to sue you? Is your credit report being improperly affected? Or perhaps you are a small business owner who doesn’t know where to turn with the building pile of debt.
You Have Rights
You probably know that there are specific laws that limit the activity that creditors and collection agencies can engage in, and what they can report to credit reporting agencies. There are actually many options available to you based on your particular circumstances. Lawsuits are fine. We are experienced in both prosecuting and defending credit-related lawsuits. But do not forget those other options. For example, perhaps finding an attorney to act as an intermediary to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the problem would be best for your situation.
Let Us Help You
If your situation is becoming unbearable, we are experienced in helping clients find solutions to their problems, and to assert their legal rights in court if necessary. We are happy to discuss your situation with you.