Expungements and Your Constitutional Right To Bear Arms
Americans have the right to posses firearms under the 2nd Amendment to our great Constitution. But if you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed to posses a firearm. If you are a convicted felon, but your conviction is not based on a violent crime and your conviction is more than 5 years old, we may be able to help. While there are exceptions, if you give us a call and answer a few simple questions about your case, we can likely help you regain your rights.
Orders of Protection and Your Second Amendment Right To Bear Arms
If you’ve had an Order of Protection against you, you probably know that while that Order is in effect, you cannot possess a firearm. However, when it’s over you should be allowed to possess a firearm. Sadly, many people find that after the Order is no longer in effect, the government will mysteriously not allow them to purchase a gun. If this has happened to you, we can help fix that problem so that your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to purchase a firearm is restored.
Expungements and Your Right To VOTE
Whether you are interested in possessing a firearm or not, there is another very important reason to expunge your record. Your right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights that make our nation the greatest in the world. But if you are a convicted felon, you can’t vote; your voice is not heard. We may be able to help you. If you are a convicted felon, but the crime was nonviolent and is over 5 years old, there are laws that may allow for us to help you EXPUNGE your record…and restore your right to VOTE!
Expungements and Employement
Have you been denied employment because of your criminal record? Many felonies and misdemeanors can be expunged. Yes, we may be able to help you clean your record so potential employers will see no history of criminal charges or convictions when you apply for a job. There are exceptions for convictions of violent charges and some others, and the conviction has to be over 5 years old. But remember; even if you were NOT CONVICTED, THE CHARGES MAY STILL BE ON YOUR RECORD. We can almost ALWAYS help you expunge charges of which you were not convicted. That can be the difference between an employer’s decision to hire you or not.
He and our attorneys with over 50 years of experience can help.
Also, please browse around and check out our other services with which we may be able to help you.
Make an appointment today for us to help you and come on in and meet Wally!
Understand Your Options. Contact Us Today.
When individuals contact us, we listen to their stories to determine whether they have strong cases. Then, we provide an honest assessment of their legal options and the possible outcomes. Whether your concerns are related to family law, juvenile representation or criminal defense, we can help. Contact us to schedule a free telephone consultation. Contact us today at 865-673-0330
If you are interested in learning more about your legal options and the counsel we provide, contact us to schedule a free telephone consultation. We can be reached through an online contact form or by calling 865-673-0330.
Montpelier Della-Rodolfa & Lope, P.C., do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, or religion, and welcomes persons no matter their preferences or backgrounds.
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